Unveiling Our 2023 Fiesta Medal

San Antonio has always celebrated its multicultural vibrance. A city with a proud heritage, our traditions run deep. No matter where our ancestors settled here from, or what language we speak, there are two weeks each spring when our city’s universal phrase, “VIVA FIESTA!,” is shouted for all to hear. From parades to street fairs to royalty coronations, theatrical spectacles, and community fundraisers, Fiesta is the best of San Antonio on display.
The Bank of San Antonio is proud to power so many local businesses that contribute to creating and amplifying our city’s authentic culture. This year, we are excited to unveil The Bank of San Antonio’s Fiesta medal, designed by Xonia Hendrix, Business Solutions Analyst, featuring the Tower of the Americas, a swirling folklorico dancer, and colorful cascarone confetti.
“Fiesta is unique because it’s more than an annual festival – Fiesta is a love letter to San Antonio in the form of a vibrant citywide celebration of our rich history, culture, soul, and diversity. I visited when I was a child, and I vividly remember two things: a brightly lit Tower of the Americas and a folklorico dancer waving hello to me in a crowd. It felt incredibly special.” – Xonia Hendrix, Business Solutions Analyst
Medals are not available for purchase, but if you see us at a Fiesta event, we will be handing them out as supplies last.