November 03, 2020
We are pleased to announce that effective as of October 21, 2020, The Bank of Austin and Texas Hill Country Bank merged with and into The Bank of San Antonio. In connection with the merger transaction, The Bank of San Antonio’s surviving charter was renamed Texas Partners Bank. Although now Texas Partners Bank, we will continue to operate under The Bank of San Antonio name in our San Antonio market area for the foreseeable future, and you will receive correspondence, statements and notices from Texas Partners Bank regarding your accounts at The Bank of San Antonio. There will be no interruption in service to the loan and deposit accounts of current customers of The Bank of San Antonio as a result of the merger transaction.
We are committed to ensuring that our transition to Texas Partners Bank is smooth for all involved. In the coming months, you will receive ongoing communication regarding how any future changes will impact you.
What is Texas Partners Bank?Headquartered in San Antonio, Texas Partners Bank and its members, which include The Bank of San Antonio, Texas Hill Country Bank and The Bank of Austin, provide financial services to individual and commercial clients in central Texas and beyond. Texas Partners Bank encompasses 10 total locations: 5 in San Antonio, 1 in Austin and 4 in the Texas Hill Country. The Board of Directors of Southwest Bancshares, Inc., the holding company of Texas Partners Bank, is comprised of local business and community leaders. For more information about Texas Partners Bank, please visit
Will my bank checking and savings account numbers stay the same?
Yes, your bank checking and savings account numbers will stay the same.
What about my direct deposit or automatic drafts?
Everything will transfer over and you will not need to make any changes to your current arrangements. All direct deposit and automatic draft arrangements, such as Social Security benefits, payroll deposits and loan payments, made with your account will be transferred automatically.
Will my statements change?
Yes, and it will say Texas Partners Bank on our statement header. If you have any questions, please contact our Deposit Operations team to clarify and discuss.
Will my banking hours remain the same?
Yes, our hours will remain the same. For a full list of our location's operating hours please see our location page here.
Will the transition to Texas Partners Bank affect my existing loan from The Bank of San Antonio?
Unless you have been notified about a duplicate account number, your loan account number will not change. The terms and structure of your existing loan will not change.
What about the loans we have in the pipeline or being processed?
Nothing will change in our loan processing activity; however, the Lender name in our loan documents will now be Texas Partners Bank.